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Research in a laboratory

How to apply for a PAC Research Award

Please see information below about the three annual Research Awards that are available from Penguins Against Cancer. If you are interested in applying, please click on the relevant buttons below to learn more about the Terms of Reference for the Award, and to download an Application Form. 

We are delighted to invite applications for two Research Awards from 4th March 2024:
Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Award
Ruth Prosser Women’s Cancer Research Award

Closing date for applications: Friday 5th April 2024 (23:59).

Please email completed Application Forms to:

The Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Award application form is available from 11th April 2024.

Closing date for applications: Friday 31st May 2024 (23:59)

Please note the Application Form will launch The Urology Foundation Application and Information page.

Fergus Scholefield

Cancer Research Award

Chris Howell Urological

Cancer Research Award

Please note this launches    The Urology Foundation site.

Ruth Prosser Women's

Cancer Research Award 

The Penguins Against Cancer Research Committee  (PACRC)

The PACRC exists to oversee the granting of PAC Research Awards, specifically:

  • The Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Award (£5,000 annually)

  • The Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Award (£10,000 annually, £5 000 of which is provided by The Urology Foundation)

  • The Ruth Prosser Women's Cancer Research Award (£5,000 annually)


The PACRC consists of the following members who are to be either re-elected, or replaced, annually at the PAC AGM:

  • Simon Hughes (Research Committee Lead)

  • Ian Abbs

  • Charlie Beardmore

  • Ben Challacombe

  • Barney Scholefield


The PACRC will only consider formal applications submitted via the approved application process (accessible via this website) according to established criteria.  Awards will be made to those applicants who receive the most votes. In the event of a tied decision the Research Committee Lead will have a casting vote.


The PACRC will notify the successful applicant within 30 days of a decision being made.  Award recipients will be required to keep the PACRC appraised of progress in their research and to acknowledge PAC’s contribution in related publications, presentations and posters.

The Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Fund: £5,000 annually


Fergus Scholefield was a young man who, at the tender age of 2, battled through the treatment of his brain tumour with the support of family and friends. Sadly, it was not possible to cure him of the disease and Fergus died before his third birthday.  His bravery inspired Penguins Against Cancer and his parents, Barney and Lou, to set up the Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Fund which provides an annual £5,000 award to support cancer research, following a rigorous assessment of applications by the PAC Research Committee.

The Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Award: £10,000 annually

Chris Howell is an Oral Surgeon who qualified in Dentistry at Guy’s Hospital last century and played rugby for Guy's Hospital RFC (the oldest rugby club in the world) for over 50 seasons.  He was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2015 and, following successful treatment at Guy’s, has remained in remission.  Chris was a founder Trustee of Penguins Against Cancer (PAC) and has remained a stalwart supporter throughout.  PAC is now collaborating with The Urology Foundation (TUF) to provide an annual £10,000 award to support research into Urological cancers. £5,000 of this award is funded by The Urology Foundation. The PAC Trustees and TUF have agreed that this will be titled the Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Award.  Applications are made via TUF, this will then be reviewed by the PAC Research Committee.

The Ruth Prosser Women’s Cancer Research Award:   £5,000 annually

Ruth Prosser is a Consultant Anaesthetist who qualified at Guy’s Hospital.  She was  diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023, but is now in remission following treatment, and has returned to work full time in the NHS.  Ruth is providing authentic and tangible support to the Penguins Against Cancer (PAC) research effort by agreeing to be the champion for PAC’s Women’s Cancer Research Fund.  The Fund will support research into all cancers found in women with a particular focus on breast, ovarian and cervical cancers. In recognition, PAC’s Trustees have decided to provide a £5,000 annual award from the Fund to be titled the Ruth Prosser Women’s Cancer Research Award.  Applications for the award will be considered by the PAC Research Committee.  




Penguins Against Cancer is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (1159905) England and Wales.

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All Rights Reserved.

All the lovely images of nice penguins and horrible crabs on our homepage are used under approved licence from Shutterstock, © 2014.

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