Our Constitution
Here you can view our Constitution, which was established and ratified on 13th December 2014.
Click here to view Our Constitution.
Click here to view Trustees' Signatures
as ratification of our Constitution.
Trustees & Representatives
Policy Documents
Here you can view our key Policy Documents, as follows (click on each title to view):
GDPR Compliance
All our communications only go to those supporters and members who have actively "opted-in" to receive such communciations.
Each email communication also gives the recipient the option to opt-out of future communications at the click of a button.
We are completely compliant with the new Europe-wide data protection regulations, known as GDPR.
Our motto:
"Dare Quam Accipere"
("It is better to give than to receive")
Records of Meetings
Records of Meetings, including the Annual General Meetings, are listed below. Click to open the relevant document.
Fundraising Regulation
In order to demonstrate our commitment to best practice in fundraising - and our support for the voluntary, independent system of regulation - we have registered with The Fundraising Regulator.
The Fundraising Regulator 'Registered With' logo is provided to charities who register with it and is designed to ensure the charity sector is serious about high standards.
Only charities that commit to follow the standards for fundraising practice ('the
code' and associated rule-books) are entitled to display the Registered Logo on their
digital and printed literature.
Click on the logo to be
taken to the website of
the Fundraising