Forthcoming Events
Dates for your diaries...
May 23rd to 26th 2025
Penguin Peloton
Venue: Guy's Hospital to Guy's Hospital via Normandy
Details: The Penguin Peloton will cycle over 500 km from Guy's Hospital Tower via Portsmouth, St Malo, St Lo, St Mere Eglise, the Normandy Beaches, Ouistreham and Portsmouth back to Guy's Hospital, from May 23rd to 26th 2025, to raise £50,000 for Penguins Against Cancer (PAC). PAC provides funding for the Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Award set up in honour of a brave young boy who sadly died before his third birthday, for the Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Award, and for the Ruth Prosser Women's Cancer Research Award. Guy's to Guy's, will see a number of young, strong, enthusiastic students and junior doctors, participating who will be accompanied by older, slowly declining Penguins with a combined age in excess of 1000 years. All will cycle over 500 km, and will be supported by the outstanding Black Rat safety team of Sasha and Tony, plus White Rat Paul, who will record the event. The cyclists are paying to take part, and the support crew are providing their services for free.
PAC contact: Charlie Beardmore