PAC Annual Golf Day 2019
Chislehurst Golf Club, Chislehurst, Kent
Thursday 17th October 2019
A glorious and historic setting at Chislehurst Golf Club provided the perfect backdrop to the 6th annual PAC Golf Day. Nine teams of four eagerly anticipating a fabulous round of golf, bragging rights over the Birdie challenge and the opportunity to catch up with friends in the clubhouse. In all, 36 players dressed in pink, generous and committed to the cause and competing for the PAC Claret Jug.
Click here to see more photos from the day

The full 36 line up in pink, in support of Breast Cancer Now, the chosen charity for this year's Golf Day
Some of the early arrivals limbered up properly: on the putting green, in the driving nets and at the bar. An early meet allowed convivial chatting amongst players and friends: most participants this year were locals from Petts Wood, Bickley and Chislehurst with a mixture of some new and some returning teams. Registration was very smooth and efficient thanks to Kate and Tania: score cards, pink tees and mulligans distributed; group photo sorted; one more Moretti for ‘team Pink Wrinkly’ and we were all underway with a simultaneous ‘bomb’ start by 12.00 pm.
Our pink theme was in tandem with Breast Cancer Now's ‘Wear it Pink’, and was inspired by our wonderful friend Jayne, who passed away in August this year: her birthday is 18th October and BCN fundraising day coincided with this! Penguins Against Cancer has chosen to dedicate this year’s Golf Day to the theme and grant the funds raised to Breast Cancer Now.
The relatively short and compact course meant that teams crossed paths frequently, thus fueling the competitive spirit and allowing tabs to be kept on ‘the ones that got away’, the 30-foot putt story and who paused for refreshments at the half-way house! At the mid-point, the sun gave way to a downpour which failed to dampen the smiles and laughter. The course was in excellent condition despite the previous week’s rain. The impressive golf during the day was eclipsed only by some impressive team names like The Pink Panthers, The Bickley Swingers and, with hats and team shirts, The PINKY Blinders.
There were plenty of challenges along the way including Nearest the Pin on the 12th. This was eventually won by Si Bridge who collected his prize (spiced rum) at Dinner. On the advice of the Club Pro, we changed the traditional ‘Longest Drive’ on the 18th, to a nearest-the-pin-in-2-shots challenge. Theoretically this allowed a broader opportunity for the slow and steady Eddies, and not just the ‘Tiger-Liners’.

Team 'Pinky Blinders'
To find the marker actually in the hole when we arrived on the green was quite a sight to behold and a fitting end to a brilliant competition. Adam Tilley collected the applause and the Pink Gin for those two super shots. The Birdie draw for Champagne included Adam, Stuart Vandenburgh and Paul Harwood and was won by Robert Long.
It’s wonderful that our golf event is now firmly secure in the annual calendar and has suitably grown each year reflecting the spreading support and wider awareness of Penguins Against Cancer. The offers of support and the genuine interest in PAC from many first timers was touching and I am grateful to Michael and Colin who have offered to host a future PAC Golf Day at Royal Blackheath (watch this space): thank you.
Meanwhile, as we hooked, sliced, searched and chipped, the preparations for dinner in the clubhouse were underway with Charlie Gush helping set out the raffle and Auction Prizes. The day’s golf was fantastic and reaching its climax. Players were greeted with cold beer and warm hospitality as they arrived at the clubhouse and very soon the 19th hole was buzzing as anecdotes and tall-tales filled the autumnal air. The atmosphere was wonderful with the conversations flowing between new and familiar faces mixing together on the terrace and at the bar.
Team 'Pink Wrinklys'
Robert Long won the tournament, the coveted PAC Claret Jug and a bottle of Champagne. Nipping at his heels in second place (on countback) was Paul Harwood, a previous winner and PAC Stalwart. The Team Trophy was won by Lawrence Kemp’s team, The Pink Wrinklys: Robert Long, Paul Crowdy and Rich Start - each player receiving a pair of colourful socks from Penguin. We are so proud of all the golfers for their wonderful sense of fun, their support and their generosity: PAC has raised and disbursed over £143,000, and the five annual golf tournaments we have held so far have raised over £25,000 for PAC which we have been able to grant to organisations who treat cancer, run cancer research programmes or provide palliative care for cancer patients - thank you all.
Post golf supper was excellent; the atmosphere blossomed further with the arrival of around 20 guests and partners all there to support the cause and with the collective aim of having a great night. Pat's magic raffle and the auction, brimming with amazing packages and thoughtful donations, raised a huge amount. A special thanks to The Oaks Dental Practice for their generous donation of consultation and treatment – a unique auction item that our bidders certainly got their teeth into!
Thanks also to Tibbs Military Fit; Jenna’s Beauty Spot; Jon Trevor ‘Fit4ThePart’; The Face & Body Clinic; Adele Murrel; The Skin Angel; Panagua Bikes; Nathalie Crouch ‘REFLECTIONS’ Photography; Chislehurst Golf Club & Four Seasons Catering and to all who bid and bought! Thanks to all the guests who joined in the raffle and contributed so much to a special evening.
The donations, contributions and attendance at the golf event have enabled Penguins Against Cancer to raise £4,630. Along with the £3,100 raised the following day by Amanda Jagger and her team of wonderful Ladies at the PILATES-A-THON this makes a total of £7,730. Penguins Against Cancer has agreed to provide a grant of £11,900 to add to the Pilates total of £3,100. In all a staggering sum of £15,000 to Breast Cancer Now [In memory of Jayne Wistow].
A massive thanks to all of you who attended and supported this event. Next year’s golf is at Hever Castle on Friday 12th June 2020. Please make a note in your diary we would love to see you and your teams again. Please contact me if you have an item or experience you would like to donate for future auctions. It truly was A Fabulous Day of Fund Raising, Friends, & Fun.
Players: Pat Gush, Andy Mathieson, Alan Mistlin, Pietro Panetta, Paul Harwood, Mark Golding, Mike Wellard, Scott Stoneham, Lawrence Kemp, Robert Long, Paul Crowdy, Richard Start, Rolf Nuijens, Si Bridge, Eddie Coulson, Gary Arthur, Stuart VanDenBergh, Duncan Burgess, Paul Coleman, Peter Gwiliam, Ian Cogswell, Michael Wistow, Gary Dulieu, Neil Robinson, Jamie Gray, Brian O'Rourke, Steve Farmer, Gerry Murphy, Roger Tilley, Martin Taylor, Adam Tilley, Peter Dixon, Andrew Rippingale, Michael Kelpie, Colin Welling Bishton, Mike Wade.
Pat Gush
Golf Organizer & PAC Vice-President
Click here to see more photos from the day